Cyber Risk and Old Shoes

Upgrade your network equipment

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I hate to admit it, but I’ve had the same sneakers for about 4 years, and I walk faithfully every day, rain or shine in them. Its just something I have to do. My shoes have been beaten down, but I never think of them as a priority. My kids get new shoes every 4-6 months or so, but for some reason, mine keep working, so I never really think there’s a problem.

This is how most small to medium sized businesses tend think about cyber security and network updates. “Its working, albeit kinda slow lately, but nothing to worry about, no need to upgrade.

Just like that ‘hole in the sole’ that is starting to make its way to my big toe, cyber threats and network gap issues will start creeping in and in some cases, like stepping on a nail, or piece of glass, a cyber breach will make that old worn out network device become a priority – very quickly.

It may be the fact that having to go shopping for shoes for myself is kind of a pain. I’ll stay up all night working on RFPs or studying, so its not a lazy issue. It’s more of a complacency issue I think. But hey, I’m just not a mall guy. The SMB owner who has to face writing a PO for network gear or sitting down with a team to discuss network issues probably looks at cyber security the same way I look at shopping for new shoes – just a guess.

Many factors come into play when upgrading equipment, including cost, reliability, ease of setup, knowledge, support etc. While Enterprise is benefiting from Next-Gen tech and the ability to employ a robust I.T. team, smaller companies simply lack the resources to ensure a solid, protected network and many gaps are exposed.

Maybe like most small to medium sized businesses you have one or two I.T guys/ gals trying to make magic happen with that old shoe. They’ll keep working it I’m sure. Tell ’em to watch out for the holes, but unlike my shoes, some of the holes are not as obvious.

I think its time I get new a pair of shoes. What do you think?

About Redbot Technologies

Redbot Technologies provides a full suite of best in class data security services and solutions,  setting a new standard in cyber security strategies.  We identify and re-mediate threats, risks and vulnerabilities, helping our customers deploy and manage leading edge technology that protects and defends.

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Phone: 303.566.0373

1312 17th St, Suite 521
Denver, Co 80202

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The Greatest Risk is Thinking You are Not at Risk
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The Greatest Risk is Thinking You are Not at Risk
Cyber threats and network gap issues will start creeping in and in some cases, like stepping on a nail, or piece of glass, a cyber breach will make that old worn out network device become a priority – very quickly.
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Redbot Technologies
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